
Portrait photo of founder Florian Bauer
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Florian Bauer

Florian Bauer

Electrical and control engineer. Electrical Engineering PhD on "Multidisciplinary Optimization of Drag Power Kites" from Technical University of Munich. Published more than a dozen of research papers about flying wind turbine technology. Inventor of 4 patents pending and one granted. Passionate about renewable energies and anything that flies.

Portrait photo of founder of Maximilian Isensee
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Maximilian Isensee

Maximilian Isensee

Renewable energy engineer. Co-founder of climate NGO "Protect Our Winters Germany" which aims to shed light on the climate impact of winter sport activities and how to minimize them. Former start-up consultant at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Portrait photo of founder André Frirdich
head of aerodynamics
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André Frirdich

André Frirdich

Aerodynamics engineer, graduated in M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Munich. Focused on aircraft, helicopter, and wind turbine technology. Responsible for aerodynamics, special interest in rotor aerodynamics. Personal motivation powered by the vision of changing the world's energy generation.

Portrait photo of founder Christoph Drexler
head of mechanics
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Christoph Drexler

Christoph Drexler

Graduated in M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Munich. Generalist and responsible for the mechanical aspects of Kitekraft's systems. Heavy interest in sustainability, social, and technological advances tackling climate change to which the solutions lie in the "We", not in the "I".

Our Team

Portrait of Lukas Willinger

Lukas Willinger


Portrait photo of Jorge Cordova

Jorge Córdova

Power Electronics

Portrait of Mete Akin

Mete Akin


Portrait of Roman Bantling

Roman Bantling

Control Software

Portrait of Filippo Campagnolo

Dr. Filippo Campagnolo

Aero-Structural Optimization

research associate, TU Munich
Portrait of Adrien Guilloré

Adrien Guilloré

Life-Cycle Assessment

research associate, TU Munich
Portrait of Carlo R. Sucameli

Carlo R. Sucameli


research associate, TU Munich

Our Team

Mete Erdem Akin

Mete Erdem Akin


Working Student
Tobias Wittmann

Tobias Wittmann

Power Electronics

Carlo R. Sucameli

Carlo R. Sucameli

Rotor Aerodynamics

Research Associate (TU Munich)
Adrien Guilloré

Adrien Guilloré

Life-Cycle Assessment

Research Associate (TU Munich
Dr. Filippo Campagnolo

Dr. Filippo Campagnolo

Aero-Structural Optimization

Research Associate (TU Munich)
Berkay Silsüpür

Berkay Silsüpür

Computer Vision

Tobias Hartmann

Tobias Hartmann

Power Electronics

Lukas Willinger

Lukas Willinger


Jorge Córdova

Jorge Córdova

Power Electronics



Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Marcelo Lobo Heldwein

Professor at the Chair of High-Power Converter Systems, Technical University of Munich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Ralph Kennel

Professor (retired) at the Institute for Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics, Technical University of Munich

Prof. Carlo Bottasso

Professor for Wind Energy, Technical University of Munich

Bernhard Raberger

Ex-CFO Enerjisa, E.ON (prev. VERBUND)


Kitekraft's technology is based on scientific research done during Florian's time as a PhD research student at the Technical University of Munich. Here you can find a list of the publications.

Florian Bauer. “Multidisciplinary Optimization of Drag Power Kites”. Dissertation. Technical University of Munich. 2021. Download: PDF.

André Frirdich. “Rotor Design Procedure for a Drag Power Kite”. Master thesis. Technical University of Munich. 2019. Download: PDF.

Christoph Drexler. “Design by Optimization of a Multi-Element Airfoil for
Drag Power Kite”. Master thesis. Technical University of Munich. 2019. Download: PDF.

show all publications

Partners & Awards

During summer 2019 we were accepted into Silicon Valley's Y Combinator.

Since then we've received multiple awards, public, and private funding for our work on a technology relevant to climate change and other topics, such as digitization.

Most recently we got accepted into the RESPOND accelerator.

Y Combinator LogoEIT Climate KIC logoTU Munich logoRESPOND accelerator logoSchweizer Kapital logoInitiativ for Industrial Innovators logoBMWi Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen logoEXIST logosEuropean Space Agency Business Incubator Bavaria Logo
BMWi Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen logoEXIST logosY Combinator LogoEIT Climate KIC logoTU Munich logoInitiativ for Industrial Innovators logoSchweizer Kapital logoRESPOND accelerator logo

Other Collaborations

To make the future of wind energy not only more efficient, but also safer and more accepted, we are cooperating with or are members of the following institutions and associations.